Rabu, 06 November 2013

Happy Ending for Little Egypt?

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[Update, December 9th, 2013: On Thursday, December 5th, the Commission on Chicago Landmarks voted unanimously to confer preliminary landmark status on Nick's Uptown.]

Nick's Uptown, the Egyptian-styled Hupmobile showroom that was previously the Cairo Supper Club, is on this Thursday's agenda of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks for Preliminary Landmark Designation.  The bar recently closed and the building acquired by Thorek Hospital, which has a record of demolishing and landbanking. No designation report posted yet, although there is one - reflecting the commission staff's usual excellent work - on the 1890 former James Mulligan School on Sheffield, currently undergoing rehab as housing after a long period standing empty.
photograph: Commission on Chicago Landmarks

Read our original story, Little Egypt on Sheridan Road, here.

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