Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

Katherine Darnstadt at the Apple Store, Future City Regionals at UIC, Wright Before "Lloyd" - more for January

Yup, we're still adding great items to the January Calendar of Chicago Architectural Events.

This Thursday, January 9th at 6:00 p.m., Katherine Darnstadt of Latent Design brings architecture to The Apple Store on North Avenue with a free workshop, Contemporary Urban Design: Beyond the Building.

Move forward to Saturday, January 25th, and it's the Future City 2014 Chicago Regional Finals, at UIC, bringing together 6th, 7th and 8th graders using Sim City for this year's topic Tomorrow's Transit - Design a way to move people in and around the city.

And if you missed Tim Samuelson's great 2012 exhibition, Wright's Roots , you can see selections from it at the Chicago Cultural Center in Wright Before the "Lloyd",  a look at Frank Lloyd Wright's early, pre-greatest-architect-in-the-world years that runs through Mid-March.

This week, there's also SEOIA's dinner meeting on Hurricane Sandy and Coastline Rebuilding Efforts on Tuesday,  Steven M. Nilles and Joachim Scheussler discussing Goettsch Partners new Chicago project, 150 North Riverside, lunchtime at the Chicago Architecture Foundation on Wednesday, and Christopher Vernon talking about another Wright protege, Walter Burley Griffin, the Oak Park Studio's Landscape Architect, 1901-1906 at Oak Park's Unity Temple on Thursday.

There's a lot still to come this month.  Check it all out on the January Calendar of Chicago Architectural Events.

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