Minggu, 22 Juni 2014

LERATA returns to Chicago, RFP deadline extended to June 27

click images for larger view
If you're a Chicago designer, you probably already know that L.A.-based LERATA, a/k/a Laboratory for Experimentation and Research in Art, Technology and Architecture  is looking to repeat last year's LEVEL festival of nocturnal multi-media installations and to take them to location's beyond last year's focus on the Chicago river.
There are two primary conditions for installation sites as indoors or outdoors. The outdoor locations will consist of open courtyards, building rooftops, plazas, or alleyways. The interior locations include building lobbies, unoccupied building floors, and covered walkways/concourse. Most of the locations are �hidden� from public view, in that they are private, normally closed and/or inaccessible to the public. All of the locations will be viewed at night, thus the proposals should respond to this condition. For the outdoor locations we are seeking installations that are viable when exposed to the elements (rain, moisture, etc.) and also respond to/in the dark (illuminated or otherwise). 
The 2014 host committee includes such heavyweights as Patrica Natke, Brad Lynch, and Ed Uhlir, among others, and now, for the chronic procrastinators in our midst, the deadline to respond to this year's LEVEL RFP.  has been extended to 11:59 p.m. PST, June 27th.  Winners will be determined by July 7th, for 11 to 14 still-to-be-announced sites in the  10 x 20 block grid that defines the greater Loop from Michigan to the river, Wacker to Roosevelt.

Once again, this year's event will be held in parallel with Expo Chicago, the mega-art exhibition that takes place at Navy Pier, September 18 to 21.
See our photoessay on last year's installations here - Chicago Under the Dome: The urban visions of Level Chicago 2013.

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