Jumat, 13 September 2013

Florian Ortkrass of rAndom International tonight

Well, our blog is running fine, but our Repeat website, including the calendar of architectural events, is currently down, the victim of a server migration at my hosting service that so far is not running smoothly.  (My email is also down; if you need to write me, call or use my alternative email address or leave a comment here and how to get back to you. )

In the interim, we're passing on information about a lecture we just heard about . . .

Florian Ortkrass of rAndom International

6:00- 8:00 p.m. - School of the Art Institute, Columbus Auditorium, 280 South Columbus
Sponsor: School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Free and open to the public

Visiting artist Florian Ortkrass' practice revolves around the creative conceptionof rAndom International's work - led together with Stuart Wood and Hannes Koch - as well as its physical and functional interestin applied science and human cognitive development fuels the evolution of new works and studio culture.

Florian Ortkreass is founding director of the London-base experimental design group rAndom International, famous for installations such as The Rain Room, which wason exhibt at MOMA in New York this summer. Floria discuss rAndom Internationl's diverse practice ranging from responsive environments such as The Rain Room and Audience, to high technically innovative design objects such as their Temporary PrintMachine and Pixelroller.

Information online.

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