Selasa, 03 September 2013

Thom Mayne, Barry Byrne, Stefan Scholten, Broken Windows, Wheeler, Ross Barney, Kerwin, Tiffany, Pecha, Elks and much, much more - the September Calender is Here!

It's time to get off the beach and into Chicago's great spaces.  We've already got over 50 great items for you to check out on the just-published September 2013 Calendar of Chicago Architectural Events.

The big lecture season starts at 6:00 p.m. this Wednesday (the 4th) with Thom Mayne at Hermann Hall at IITDan Wheeler joins Julia Fish in a Gallery Talk with at MCA Saturday, the 14th, and Stefan Scholten of Dutch design firm Scholten and Baijings is at the Art Institute Friday, the 27th, in conjunction with the opening of the new show 3 in 1: Contemporary Explorations in Architecture and Design.

3 in 1 is just one of several  new shows opening in September, including Frank Lloyd Wright Prints and Drawings at the ArchiTech GalleryLouis Comfort Tiffany: Treasures from the Driehaus Collection at the Richard H. Driehaus Museum, and Environments and Counter Environments, Italy: The New Domestic Landscape, MoMA, 1972, at the Graham.

The month begins today, Tuesday the 3rd, with the Broken Windows event at Polish Triangle, rescheduled from July.  It includes a placemaking workshop led by Katherine Darnstadt at 3:00, Paul Durica, Maribel Mares and Sarah Ross - and open mic - beginning at 6:00.  On Thursday, there's this year's A-CAN-emy Awards Gala at CANstruction, along the first floor lobbies of the Merchandise Mart, benefiting the Greater Chicago Food Depository, in which teams from local design firms create architectural constructions made entirely out of canned goods.
with a series of readings on our relationship with our built environment with

We don't usually cover tours - there's just too many - but one that stands out is the opportunity on Wednesday the 12th to board the Chicago Architecture Foundation's Chicago First Lady boat and take a tour of Design Along the Chicago River led by some of the people most responsible for the its current evolution:  CDOT's Michelle Woods, Gina Ford of Sasaki Associates, Carol Ross Barney, Tom Kerwin of bKL and Claire Cahan of Studio/Gang Architects.  It ties into CAF's current Take Me to the River exhibition, and to their Wednesday lunchtime lecture series which will feature Woods, Barney and Ford this Wednesday the 4th,  river photographer Richard Wasserman on the 11th,  Tracy Metz talking about her book Sweet and Salt: Water and the Dutch on the 18th, and Patrick McBriarty discussing Chicago River Bridges on the 25th.

Pecha Kucha Chicago Volume #27 is up Tuesday, the 10th at Martyr'sLandmarks Illinois 2013 Skyline Social sets up shop in the spectacular Elks National Memorial on Saturday the 14th.

Hard on the heels on the recent publication of the splendid Alfonso Iannelli, Modern by Design, we now have the new monograph, The Architecture of Barry Byrne, with author Vince Michael discussing and signing copies of his book at Unity Temple, Tuesday, September 17th, and at the Chicago Cultural Center for Landmarks Illinois lunchtime Thursday, the 19th.

On the 19th and 20th, there's the Building Well: Traditional Design, Materials and Methods conference and expo at the Chicago History Museum.  On the 19th, Jason Busch talks about Decorative Arts at  the World's Fairs 1851-1939 at the Driehaus, where David A. Hanks lectures on Tiffany in Chicago Saturday evening, the 28th and Sunday morning, the 29th.

HouseHaus/IIT's Martin Klaeschen talks about The Passive House That Breathes at the Chicago Center for Green Technology Thursday the 19th, the Structural Engineers Association of Illinois have a Tuesday the 24th seminar on Occupant Caused Floor Vibrations.  On Wednesday, the 25th, Design Evanston offers a look at Walgreen's new Net Zero Energy Store, while on Thursday the 26th, Elizabeth Helsinger discusses the history of the Burne-Jones/Morris windows at Second Presbyterian Church.  Over at the Glessner House Museum on Sunday the 29th, John Waters talk about H.H. Richardson and his Chicago Legacy.  It's Richardson's birthday.  There will be cake.

And even all this is just scratching the surface.  There's much, much more.  Check out all the details on the September 2013 of Chicago Architectural Events.

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