Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

Retro Saturday: the CTA Red Line and Myron Goldsmith, Quiet Poet of American Architecture

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With most of the CTA's Red Line shut down to replace a 40-year-old track system, I thought it would be a good opportunity to take a brief look back at architect Myron Goldsmith, one of the lesser-known but most accomplished alumni of the firm of Mies van der Rohe. 

Back in the 1970's, Goldsmith designed the stations for the then-new extensions in the medians of the Kennedy and Dan Ryan expressways.  Especially after recent renovations, the simple excellence of Goldsmith's designs remain clear and elegant. 
A few years ago, the Plexiglas panels of Goldsmith's Red Line 47th Street station gained a colorful complement in Jo Hormuth's Canopy Lights installation.
Far beyond the CTA, Goldsmith's legacy stands undiminished through Chicago

and in the world . . .

Myron Goldsmith: Quiet Poet of American Architecture

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