Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Version Festival, Swiss Futures, Marshall Brown's Urban Imaginary, Armenta Davis, Evanston Places, White City Simulated and more - lots of new stuff for the June Calendar!

Yes, I know it's June 17th, and no, it's not too late to be adding another half dozen great items to the
June Calendar of Chicago Architectural Events.

This Wednesday, June 19th, Version Festival will be the focus of a gallery walk through the great Spontaneous Interventions exhibition at the Cultural Center, where on Saturday the 29th, there'll be a Scholarly Perspectives panel discussion moderated by Gordon Douglas, with Jeffrey Kidder, David Schalliol and others.

On Tuesday, the 25th, The Swiss-American Business Council will be sponsoring A Swiss View: Urban and the Future of Cities: 5, 10, and 50 years from Now, with Tom Jacobs, Hanno Weber and Susanne Cannon.

Thursday the 27th is bursting with newly added items, beginning with 's Marshall Brown discussion with Geof Oppenheimer on Architecture, Power, and the Urban Imaginary at the Western Exhibitions Gallery, which is currently hosting Brown's show, Center of the World, Chicago.  That same evening, there'll be a book launch at the First Bank and Trust for Evanston 150 Years, 150 Places; while at the Woodson Regional Library, architectural historian Carolyn Armenta Davis will discuss Today's African-American, Afro-European and Africa Architects.

The Museum of Science and Industry marks its 80th birthday with a double-header from Chicago cultural historian Tim Samuelson on Sunday the 23rd.  In the morning, he partners with Lisa M. Snyder of the Urban Simulation Team at UCLA for Exploring the White City, the latest iteration of the UCLA's evolving computer simulation of the 1893 World's Columbia Exposition, this time with an emphasis on Louis Sullivan's polychrome Transportation Building.  
Then in the afternoon, Samuelson teams up with University of Arizona architectural historian Lisa Schrenk for a look at Building a Century of Progress, exploring the often strikingly modernist pavilion and exhibit designs for the 1933-34 Chicago's World Fair.

The MSI events are incredibly pricey - $20-$25.00 atop the museum's minimum $27.00 entry fee - but the White City simulation, especially, is a fascinating project, and these events usually sell out quickly, so be warned.

Already on the schedule is Martin Adolfsson on Suburbia Gone Wild this Tuesday the 19th, and then on to Creating the Pullman Cultural Renaissance, Channel Glass Wall Systems, the Wells Street Bridge Rehabilitation,  the Common Cause of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Frank Lloyd Wright, the new growth industry of Urban Farming in Chicago, the Original Sears Tower, the Illinois Statewide Preservation Conference, and a lot more.

How much more?  Well, check it out for yourself - two dozen great items still to come on the June Calendar of Chicago Architectural Events.

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