Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Where if Not Us? - Participatory Design and Its Radical Approaches opens at the Graham with reception and discussion - more for June

I'm pretty sure these will be the last additions for June Calendar of Chicago Architecture Events, but the Graham Foundation is opening a new exhibition, Where if Not Us? - Participatory Design and its Radical Approaches, with a reception this Thursday the 27th,  and a public discussion Participatory Design and its Radical Approaches, on Friday with Mathias Heyden and Ines Schaber, as well as Roberta Feldman, Landon Bone Baker Architects and Henry Sanoff.

Thursday is one of those log-jam days, with a special Chicago Commission Landmarks rubber stamp session on Wrigley Field in the morning, and in the evening, in addition to the reception at the Graham, the opening the Illinois State Preservation Conference, an AIA/Chicago tour of the Joyce Foundation's new offices, The Green Office Challenge at the Center for Green Technology, Marshall Brown and Geof Oppenheimer discussing Architecture, Power and the Urban Imaginary; a signing and reception for the new book Evanston: 150 Years, 150 Places, and Carolyn Armenta Davis discussing The Art of Architecture: Today's African-American, Afro-European and African Architects at the Woodson Regional Library.

Even with only 5 days left, there are still well over dozen great items still to check out on the June Calendar of Chicago Architecture Events.

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